
Yong Joo Kim: Spotlight

Exhibition  /  15 Aug 2013  -  28 Sep 2013
Published: 31.08.2013
Neckpiece: Reconfiguring the Ordinary: Twist Looped and Attached by Yong Joo Kim.Red Hook-and-loop fastener, thread.14 x 15 x 2.5'.Yong Joo, KimNeckpiece: Reconfiguring the Ordinary: Twist Looped and AttachedRed Hook-and-loop fastener, thread14 x 15 x 2.5'. Yong Joo Kim
Neckpiece: Reconfiguring the Ordinary: Twist Looped and Attached
Red Hook-and-loop fastener, thread
14 x 15 x 2.5"

Yong Joo, Kim
Neckpiece: Reconfiguring the Ordinary: Twist Looped and Attached
Red Hook-and-loop fastener, thread
14 x 15 x 2.5"

© By the author. Read Copyright.

"My work introduces unconventional use of familiar artifacts into a world full of conventions. By assembling, grouping, clustering, and piling, the small and simple elements become complex, and give rise to the unexpected." - Yong Joo Kim