
Person-to-Person Transmission

Meeting  /  01 Mar 2020  -  30 May 2020
Published: 27.04.2020
Necklace: Rainbow - 1 by Mujun Liu.Balloon, water(ice), cotton rope.. 2020.19 x 30 cm.From series: Rainbow.If the rainbow is the mark of time in light / Then water is the body of the rainbow
. Wear it / When you enter the light / There will be a rainbow following.. Mujun Liu
Necklace: Rainbow - 1, 2020
Balloon, water(ice), cotton rope.
19 x 30 cm
From series: Rainbow
If the rainbow is the mark of time in light / Then water is the body of the rainbow
Wear it / When you enter the light / There will be a rainbow following.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

The emergence of "new coronavirus" now has brought people's lives to a standstill. This special period has made a great impact on people's lives, but following the natural vein, we will eventually have a new starting point. The emergence of this art activity is to record the artists' daily life and expression of inspiration during this period.