
Open Call for Global Contemporary Jeweller's Documentary. Hope & Future

Open call  /  04 Mar 2020  -  30 Jun 2020
Published: 30.04.2020
Open Call for Global Contemporary Jeweller's Documentary. Hope & Future.
Design by Yi Luan (CUGB).

© By the author. Read Copyright.

At the beginning of 2020, the disease, natural disasters and wars were happening around our world. As contemporary jewellers what we can do in the next of 2020? We are living in different areas around the world, but we do believe in jewellery. I believe contemporary art jewellery sometimes was more than the jewellery itself, it is a powerful spirit more than the objects. Join us, create a contemporary jeweller’s documentary 2020. Healing the world with our creative mind, we stand together, make history for the future.