
Open Call for Goosebumps Exhibition

Open call  /  28 Jun 2024  -  23 Aug 2024
Published: 28.06.2024
Open Call for Goosebumps Exhibition.
Plattform Schmuckkunst
Miriam Bacher, Noah Layr
DEADLINE: 23/08/2024

© By the author. Read Copyright.

In this group exhibition, which will be held at Plattform Schmuckkunst, the title 'Goosebumps' will be explored from as many angles as possible, and the causes and triggers of goosebumps will be explored.
Through the direct contact of jewellery with the skin, the intentional stimulation of this bodily reaction can be experimented with.
This external stimulus can be influenced by the choice and shape of materials or certain wearing positions. The touches and perceptions on the skin can thus evoke intense feelings, excitement, stress, fear, disgust or pleasure.

The exhibition will showcase a total of 20 regional, national and international jewellery artists.

Application: please send by e-mail to
Photos: square / 300 dpi / at least 1.5 MB / copyright
Text: statement or interpretation of the work in the context of the exhibition
Theme as a pdf / in English / maximum 800 characters

- The jewellery objects must be thematically linked to the exhibition theme and title. One jewellery object per artist can be submitted. Only complete applications that meet the formal requirements will be accepted.
- The artists must pay for the production costs of the works themselves.
- The sales value per work is limited to a maximum of € 300,- (please indicate the price in the application!).

- After the selection process, the pieces of jewellery must be shipped at the artist‘s expense (including import taxes) and received by 09.09.2024.
- For the processing and handling of the return shipment, a uniform participation fee of € 30, is due for the selected artists and must be paid in advance.
- The association is responsible for the entire exhibition design, advertising, publication and photos of the works (print and online platforms), the supervision of the exhibition, as well as the sale of the works during the exhibition period.

- Unfortunately, there is no capacity for individual feedback and explanations for non-selected artists.

Key dates
Vernissage: 28.09.2024

Exhibition period: 28.09.2024 - 26.10.2024
Application deadline: 23rd of August 2024