
Interview with Liana Pattihis

Interview  /  Artists
Published: 10.08.2014
Necklace: 'Adapted Patterns' Installation Necklace 01 by Liana Pattihis.Silver, enamel. 2011.64 - 203 cm long.Private Collection, Museum of Arts and Design (MAD), New York. Liana Pattihis
Necklace: 'Adapted Patterns' Installation Necklace 01, 2011
Silver, enamel
64 - 203 cm long
Private Collection, Museum of Arts and Design (MAD), New York
© By the author. Read Copyright.

I think the local influence shows in the way I work. I have acquired a sense of ‘efficiency’ and ethos related to my work which can only stem from the more regimented way of life here in the UK. The Universal is an amalgamation of all the beautiful people and work I have met and acknowledged over the last few years that have inspired me to be a better artist and person.