
I would like to say my works is just like my diary. Dongyi Wu interviewed by Klimt02

Interview  /  Artists
Published: 22.10.2018
Body piece: Horizon 3 by Dongyi Wu.Paper, paper pulp, acrylic pigment, steel, glue, plastic, string.. 2017.96.5 x 71.1 x 38.1 cm.Photo by: Elizabeth Torgerson-Lamark.Awarded at: Enjoia't Award 2017.From series: Horizon. Dongyi Wu
Body piece: Horizon 3, 2017
Paper, paper pulp, acrylic pigment, steel, glue, plastic, string.
96.5 x 71.1 x 38.1 cm
Photo by: Elizabeth Torgerson-Lamark
Awarded at: Enjoia't Award 2017
From series: Horizon
© By the author. Read Copyright.

I would like to say my works is just like my diary. So the resources may come from a book, a painting, philosophy and impression of life. I describe myself as a storyteller, and I like to share my stories and feelings by my jewelry works. My works that are my best ways help me to communicate with the world.