
In this time I think we need to laud the amazing ability we have to access and communicate with our fellow jewellers. Tim Peel interviewed by Klimt02.

Interview  /  Artists
Published: 11.02.2019
Brooch: The Old Harbour by Tim Peel.Silver, gold, australian sapphires, rust.. 2017.3.5 x 1 x 7.5 cm.Photo by: Tim Peel.From series: Precious Memories. Tim Peel
Brooch: The Old Harbour, 2017
Silver, gold, australian sapphires, rust.
3.5 x 1 x 7.5 cm
Photo by: Tim Peel
From series: Precious Memories
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Jewellery is ever present in my work practice however occasionally small sculptural works are created using my jewellery skills.