The Most Secret Gallery
Published: 07.10.2019
The most Secret Gallery, Exhibition view: Mari Ishikawa, Sara Borgegård Älgå, Kim Buck, October 2014
© By the author. Read Copyright.
The gallery name is ironic and refers to the difficulty to understand the language of contemporary jewellery if one is not familiar with the ideas behind this specialized art practice. The goal is to create greater interest and understanding of contemporary jewellery through arranging artist talks and a number of exhibitions a year.
The most Secret Gallery, Mari Ishikawa, Sara Borgegård Älgå, Kim Buck, October 2014
© By the author. Read Copyright.
Four Gallery
Gothenburg, Sweden -
Tallinn, Estonia -
Format Oslo
Oslo, Norway -
Patina Gallery
Santa Fe, United States -
Stockholm, Sweden -
Hannah Gallery
Barcelona, Spain -
Galerie Rosemarie Jäger
Hochheim, Germany -
MaS Studio
Shanghai, China -
Heidi Lowe Gallery
Lewes, United States -
Aria Gallery
Tehran, Iran -
Charon Kransen Arts
New York, United States -
Galleria Carlo Lucidi
Rome, Italy -
The Closer Gallery
Beijing, China -
Noroeste Obradoiro
Santiago de Compostela, Spain -
Gallery of Art in Legnica
Legnica, Poland