
Emoticon by Michaela Donsbach

My brooches are inspired by emoticons which are used so often by us in text messages and sent via the internet. Emoticons are better known as smiley faces. The basic form is a square with one rounded corner as it is in the ICQ-chat room window. My chosen font is the „Arial“ which is one of the most used fonts on internet pages and chat programs. I scaled each emoticon just till the border of recognition is reached.
The 3mm thick material I used, gives each brooch the effect of each Emoticon, adding a third dimension. I use Emoticons as well in handwritten letters. The theme is a contemporary topic which especially concerns the computer generation. Of course, making jewellery is always about making statements. A person who is wearing jewellery is always giving a statement even if it´s not obviously and intended. My Emoticon brooches are making a statement and they are sending emotions as well.
Michaela Donsbach
Aluminum, spring steel
5 x 5 cm

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