Mask by Renata Porto
Serie: Enchanted beings
Thinking about the fantasy world, I let the hybrids in, this mixed figures that give origin to new beings. The monster that become sacred, the being of fables that enchanted.
Thinking about the fantasy world, I let the hybrids in, this mixed figures that give origin to new beings. The monster that become sacred, the being of fables that enchanted.
Renata Porto
Silver, rubber
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Silver, rubber
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A small tool used to extract a drop of blood and know if it has bitter taste or if the taste of love passes through the...
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Salomé wants to be looked at by John, the Baptist by Renata Porto
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Jewelry created so Salomé can roll and pull the curls of John, the Baptist so delicate and barely touching him, m...
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Blood Pact by Renata Porto
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Touch and Seduction Silverware by Renata Porto
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Jewelry made to John, the Baptist feel the weight of the hand of Salomé and can as well imagine being touched by ...
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Jewelry made to John, the Baptist feel the weight of the hand of Salomé and can as well imagine being touched by her ...
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Box of Secrets by Renata Porto
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Blood Pact by Renata Porto
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Box of Secrets by Renata Porto
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Poetic Apple by Renata Porto
Body piece -
Fruit by Renata Porto
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Garden of Delights by Renata Porto
Necklace -
Androgynous by Renata Porto
Necklace -
The fall of Adam by Renata Porto
Smoke Ring Machine by David Bielander
Installation -
ring of pollen: 250 microns by Jolynn Santiago
Estimated price: 2520 €RingON SALE -
ring of pollen. 201 microns by Jolynn Santiago
Estimated price: 2000 €RingON SALE -
Turn by Marc Monzó
Estimated price: 678 €BraceletON SALE -
Puffed Up Color by Kim Buck
Estimated price: 700 €RingON SALE -
Broche Incision I by Jamila Wallentin
Estimated price: 200 €BroochON SALE -
Broche Incision II by Jamila Wallentin
Estimated price: 200 €BroochON SALE -
Broche Incision III by Jamila Wallentin
Estimated price: 200 €BroochON SALE -
Chew Your Own Brooch. Kit by Ted Noten
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1963/58/3 by Maria Konschake
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Gold and Black Jade Diamond by Jeff Wise, Susan Wise
Estimated price: 6420 €Earrings -
Després Una Profunditat Blava 2 by Agnès Wo
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EP by Tensi Solsona
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SATÈL.LIT MARÍ by Sílvia Serra Albaladejo
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Illa de Silenci by Núria Pallí