IMPULSES: 30 Years Gold and Silversmiths' Craft Trust in Schwäbisch Gmünd
Published: 29.06.2018
- Editor:
- Gold and Silversmiths' Craft Trust Schwäbisch Gmünd
- Edited by:
- Arnoldsche Art Publishers
- Edited at:
- Stuttgart
- Edited on:
- 2018
- Technical data:
- 144 pp., 21 x 29,7 cm, 126 ills. in colour and b/w. Hardcover. English / German
- 978-3-89790-527-6
- Price:
- from 34 €
- Order:
- Arnoldsche Art Publishers
- Order:
- 20% Discount for Klimt02 members

With Impulses, the Gold and Silversmith’s Craft Trust Schwäbisch Gmünd celebrates its thirtieth anniversary. The book documents the Trust’s extensive achievements and shows highlights from publications, workshops and exhibitions.
The main focus lies on the detailed presentation of the sixteen Goldsmiths-In-Residence. The Trust was the very first German institution that appointed a City Goldsmith in 1989 and kept doing so every two years. Famous artists like Max Fröhlich, Norman Weber and Deganit Stern Shocken are among the award winners. The outstanding set-up of the exemplary works allow new perspectives on the diverse artistic expressions in gold and silver.
- Editor:
- Gold and Silversmiths' Craft Trust Schwäbisch Gmünd
- Edited by:
- Arnoldsche Art Publishers
- Edited at:
- Stuttgart
- Edited on:
- 2018
- Technical data:
- 144 pp., 21 x 29,7 cm, 126 ills. in colour and b/w. Hardcover. English / German
- 978-3-89790-527-6
- Price:
- from 34 €
- Order:
- Arnoldsche Art Publishers
- Order:
- 20% Discount for Klimt02 members
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