
Silver Meetings 2. Contemporary Jewellery in Legnica 2012 - 2019

Published: 21.10.2020
Silver Meetings 2. Contemporary Jewellery in Legnica 2012 - 2019.
Gallery of Art in Legnica
Text by:
Sławomir Fijałkowski, Zbigniew Kraska, Monika Szpatowicz
Edited by:
Gallery of Art in Legnica
Edited at:
Edited on:
Technical data:
330 pages; Ilustrations in color; English and Polish; 21 x 27.9 cm
from 25 €
Website Silver Legnica Festival Book Order
Silver Meetings 2. Contemporary Jewellery in Legnica 2012 - 2019.
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© By the author. Read Copyright.

A bilingual (Polish-English), richly illustrated album publication presenting the latest history and achievements of Legnica Silver Festival in a systematic and comprehensive way. The publication is a continuation of the Silver Meetings Legnica, which summed up the previous history of the Festival, i.e. the years 1979-2011.
Published in late 2019, Silver Meetings 2 is a compendium of knowledge about the Festival, which grew out of the specificity of our region and over the 4 decades of its existence enriched and shaped its cultural life, at the same time expanding to finally become, at the beginning of the 21st century, one of the largest European platforms for presenting contemporary art jewelry.

In 2010 Legnica Silver Meetings was published. A book, a catalogue and a statistic index in one, in which we summarized more than 30 years of activity of the Art Gallery in Legnica, regarding the promotion of contemporary artistic jewellery. It was a compendium containing a historical description and critical reflection at that time on the event, the Legnica Silver Festival (LSF), and the most important phenomena in “small design” (as jewellery is often referred to) occurring in the rapidly changing reality of the 3rd millennium that had just begun.

The exceptionally rich illustrations compiled by Prof. Sławomir Fijałkowski visualized the changing attitudes of contemporary jewellery, jewellery trends and cases. The great documentation of this specific specialization in jewellery of the Art Gallery in Legnica, which, due to its precisely prepared statistics, presented a huge organizational achievement of the institution and artistic condition of this field, was an undoubted advantage of that publication. The achievements from the first decade of the 21st century were impressive. They surpassed those from the previous twenty years, which, in our view, resulted from the change of activity strategy and form of the event and the curator and manager’s group. The favourable internal circumstances of a political and social nature were also significant for this success: Poland commenced and successfully completed the process of accession to the European Union, which facilitated extending our activity into the world.

The first part of the publication, released in 2012, is included in the purchase of the Silver Meeting 2, free of charge. The purchase can be made by writing to the Gallery of Art in Legnica.
Silver Meetings 2. Contemporary Jewellery in Legnica 2012 - 2019.
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© By the author. Read Copyright.
Silver Meetings 2. Contemporary Jewellery in Legnica 2012 - 2019.
Inner pages.

© By the author. Read Copyright.
Silver Meetings 2. Contemporary Jewellery in Legnica 2012 - 2019.
Inner pages.

© By the author. Read Copyright.
Silver Meetings 2. Contemporary Jewellery in Legnica 2012 - 2019.
Inner pages.

© By the author. Read Copyright.