
AFTERMATH of art jewellery

Exhibition  /  18 Jan 2013  -  10 Feb 2013
Published: 05.12.2012
Brooch: A Master Of Selfcontrol Narrated by Stefan Heuser.500 sleeping pills, gold. 2011.Photo: Stefan Heuser. Stefan Heuser
Brooch: A Master Of Selfcontrol Narrated, 2011
500 sleeping pills, gold
Photo: Stefan Heuser
© By the author. Read Copyright.

The exhibition will include eight artist in total, four from the jewellery scene i Oslo and four from the scene in Munich, four women and four men. The overall aim for this project is firstly to show international art jewellery in Norway, something that have rarely been done before, and secondly to initiate a discussion about where art jewellery might go in the future.