
AGCpunto24. Contemporary Stories in Tarragona

Exhibition  /  07 Sep 2024  -  31 Oct 2024
Published: 05.09.2024
Galeria Personal
Eliana Negroni, Emanuele Cannoletta, Sílvia Serra Albaladejo
Antonio Gómez

© By the author. Read Copyright.

AGCpunto24 is the annual exhibition of the Contemporary Jewellery Association. Over 60 artists and designers, all members of the AGC association exhibiting their works, with constant research made through a wide range of materials (metals, fabrics, wood, resins, stones, glass, and paper) and techniques, from the most ancient goldsmith practices, such as niello or mokume-gane, to digital technologies and additive manufacturing.

Artist list

Jivan Astfalck, Sara Barbanti, Maura Biamonti, Annarita Bianco, Alice Biolo, Adrean Bloomard, Rosa Borredá, Stephen Bottomley, Emanuele Cannoletta, Elisabetta Carozzi, Yu Tzu Chou, Jeemin Jamie Chung, Lluís Comín Vilajosana, Roberta Consalvo Sances, Corrado De Meo, Adriana Del Duca, Clara Del Papa, Ylenia Deriu, Fluxis, Viola Foggi, Maria Rosa Franzin, Stefano Fronza, Lucilla Giovanninetti, Mari Ishikawa, Yukiko Kakimoto, Ji Young Kim, Ariel Lavian, Ria Lins, Letizia Maggio, Lindsay Mahood, Alba Rosa Mancini, Manu Mara, Rita Marcangelo, Gigi Mariani, Giordano Massimelli, Simona Materi, Mineri Matsuura, Militsa Milenkova, Francesca Mo, Kazumi Nagano, Sogand Nobahar, Mariagiorgia Pacini, Ornella Pandolfi, Liana Pattihis, Roberta Pavone, Marco Picciali, Alessia Prati, Sara Progressi, Daniela Repetto, Anna Retico, Carla Riccoboni, Stefano Rossi, Chiara Scarpitti, Sílvia Serra Albaladejo, Emiko Shigeta, Claudia Steiner, Matteo Trovò, Pilar Viedma, Yiota Vogli, Hankunyu Wei, Dorota Wilde, Yoko Takirai and Pietro Pellitteri, Caterina Zucchi, Babette von Dohnanyi
The AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo is a non-profit organization. It was founded in Trieste (Italy) in June 2004 by a first group of Italian professionals to create new opportunities for the development and qualification of contemporary jewellery. It aims to promote a constructive and synergistic dialogue with the artistic and productive scenes on an international level. Although AGC is based in Italy, it is open to international practicing jewelers, artists, designers, craftspeople, gallery owners, critics, museum curators, journalists, collectors, teachers, schools, foundations and cultural institutions. Up to today AGC has reached around 400 members among Italy and abroad: Spain, France, Austria, Germany, UK, Japan, US, Brazil, Argentina, Israel, Iran and India. All activities are bilingual, in Italian and English.

AGCpunto24 - Special edition
The annual AGC exhibition/happening consists in a special circuit, on the occasion of the association's 20th anniversary.
Three events from July to November, travelling between Italy and Spain. The project was presented during the opening of the first exhibition, scheduled for July 6 at 6pm in Sanremo, hosted by La Mongolfiera art gallery, Via Roma 50, in collaboration with Laboratorio Lunamante.

Two different selections of pieces are going to be exhibited in the following venues. In September at the impressive space of Galeria Personal in the historic center of Tarragona and in October in Milan, at Archivio Negroni, a place dedicated to the arts, techniques and meetings around contemporary jewellery.
AGCpunto24: a contemporary tale that began twenty years ago.
At each opening, a brief introduction by AGC representatives illustrates how the association has gone through these two decades of cultural promotion and development of a sense of community in the field of contemporary jewellery. The works on display give a current idea of ​​the members' activity.
The exhibition circuit is curated by Eliana Negroni, in collaboration with the host institutions. Together with the the association board, many Italian and international members who have joined the initiative are attending the three venues to present their work.

For the Digital catalogue Click Here

Opening: September 7. 2024 at 7.00 pm.
Hours: MON to FRI 10.00/13.30 h. - 17.00/20.30 h. | SAT 10.00/14.00 h.

Tarragona ES, Personal Joieria Galeria d'Art 06.09 | 31.10.2024, thanks to the collaboration with Antonio Gomez and Silvia Serra Albaladejo.
Milano IT, Archivio Negroni 15.10 | 21.10.2024