
Alloy. Contemporary Craft Exhibition

Exhibition  /  14 Sep 2024  -  22 Sep 2024
Published: 17.09.2024

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Alloy is an exhibition showcasing innovative works within the discipline of contemporary metal, jewellery and textiles by emerging artists who graduated from two world-leading institutions, the Royal College of Art and the Glasgow School of Art. It explores the interplay of dialogue through material and proposes alternative approaches in contemporary craft-making.

Artist list

Morvarid Alavifard, Caius Bearder, Alice Biolo, Yirui Deng, Yike Duan, Chongshan Feng, Amy Findlay, Dianrui Fu, Lucy Johnson, Xiaoyu Li, Shum Lin Yin, Meishuo Liu, Qianyu Liu, Yutong Liu, Yuqian Ma, Xiaoqing Rong, Anita Sarkezi, Ruiyi Wang, Kexin Wen, Niamh Wright, Danning Xie, Yating Xie, Xuan Xu, Yizhuo Xue, Huimin Zhang, Yitong Zhang, Yujia Zhang, Youyang Zhao, Dixin Zheng, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Machi de Waard
Alloy showcases the individual and collective works of emerging artists who are reimagining, challenging, and expanding the notion of craft-making through innovative approaches. These contemporary craft-makers explore hybrid concepts and cross-cultural intersections using various means of expression. This thoughtfully curated collection amplifies the relevance of symbiotic relationships between the poetic and the linguistic, realism and surrealism, fluidity and statics, trauma and intimacy, and the cross-fertilization of cultures through objects, jewellery, and textiles. Collaborations between artists bridge the gap between disciplines, sharing skills and techniques to create cohesive artworks.
The exhibition consists of two parts:
- Part One features individual and collaborative works by resident artists of the Glasgow School of Art, representing the new wave of talent in British academia.
- Part Two consists of contemporary jewellery and metalwork invited and recommended by the Royal College of Art. These works focus on the traditional cultural aesthetics and connotations behind craftsmanship, innovatively practicing the many possibilities of combining traditional crafts with emerging technologies. They provide a platform for the encounter and debate between traditional and contemporary applied arts.
The RCAs Jewellery and Metal Programme encourages students to push beyond the histories, traditions and conventions of our discipline towards meaningful outcomes that resonate within todays challenging and complex world. The broad mix of cultures, experiences and outlooks represented by the JaM community is an essential element, contributing to the acquisition of knowledge during MA study and the forming of lifelong bonds, a phenomenon well captured in the exhibition's title, 'Alloy'. We are delighted with the opportunity offered to this group of JaM graduates to share their practice developments in the context of Alsolikes professional gallery setting.
Rebecca de Quin, Tutor, MA Jewellery and Metal at the Royal College of Art
The Glasgow School of Arts silversmithing and jewellery department celebrates its community of shared practice. This spans undergraduate study through to PHD as well as the artists in residence. Each year we invite around 6 practicing makers to join the GSA community as artists in residence, to share and contribute to this community. The exhibition titled Alloy” explores the artist in residences shared approach to thinking and making. It showcases how their combined practice generates new and exciting work both collectively but also as individuals.
Anna Gordon, Head of Department and Programme Leader, BA (Hons) Silversmithing and Jewellery Design at the Glasgow School of Art

Dates and time:
Public Opening: 14th - 22nd September, 10:30 - 18:30h