
Cali Condensation by Seth Papac

Exhibition  /  30 May 2015  -  21 Jun 2015
Published: 03.06.2015
Piece: Untitled by Seth Papac.Brass, anodized aluminum, plastic. 2015.106.7 x 63.5 x 2.5 cm.Wall screen with 5 removable pendants. Seth Papac
Piece: Untitled, 2015
Brass, anodized aluminum, plastic
106.7 x 63.5 x 2.5 cm
Wall screen with 5 removable pendants
© By the author. Read Copyright.

A solo exhibition by Seth Papac, an artist who uses art as a mean to communicate. For the artist the body is a mediator and it has been the most important aspect in his artistic vocabulary.