
Contrasts by U & I, Margo Nelissen, Marianne de Jong & Mieke Corvers

Exhibition  /  15 Jul 2017  -  04 Nov 2017
Published: 21.08.2017
Ring: La dolce vita by Margo Nelissen.Silver, gold tourmaline.. 2017.3 x 3 x 3 cm. Margo Nelissen
Ring: La dolce vita, 2017
Silver, gold tourmaline.
3 x 3 x 3 cm
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The exhibition contains jewels and paintings. It especially emphasizes the contrast between the jewelry designers Margo Nelissen and U & I. Margo’s inspiration comes from the natural world and she specializes in fine detailed work. The designers of U & I on the other hand, work conceptual and austere. Together they create a very interesting and varied exhibition in Galerie Art Aurum.