
Devotional Jewellery in Barcelona

Exhibition  /  26 Sep 2023  -  13 Oct 2023
Published: 19.09.2023
Kazumi Nagano. Brooch: Chaos, 2022. Horsehair, nylon thread, silver, palladium thread, steel.. 10.5 x 8.5 x 3 cm. Photo by: Ryota Sekiguchi. Kazumi Nagano
Brooch: Chaos, 2022
Horsehair, nylon thread, silver, palladium thread, steel.
10.5 x 8.5 x 3 cm
Photo by: Ryota Sekiguchi
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AGC (Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo) takes to Barcelona at the Escola Massana the exhibition Devotional Jewellery | Gioiello Devozionale Pensieri Preziosi #17 from Padua, Italy, the city of contemporary jewellery school.