
Gris Gris. Modern Traditions in Jewellery Design

Exhibition  /  03 Sep 2017  -  05 Nov 2017
Published: 25.08.2017
Gris Gris. Modern Traditions in Jewellery Design.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

All over the world, jewellery conveys and connects traditions and stories, memories and customs. Worn on the body, it invites communication. The way in which jewellery carries special and extraordinary meaning - tells a unique story - is beautifully shown in the exhibition GrisGris, which is staged in CODA Museum Apeldoorn from 3 September to 5 November 2017 inclusive. GrisGris explores the origins, value and meaning of jewellery in various cultures. With their research and designs, twelve jewellery artists and six students of the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design - translated this traditional jewellery to the present.