
I Do Not Wish by Iris Eichenberg

Exhibition  /  07 Oct 2017  -  28 Oct 2017
Published: 27.09.2017
Object: Untitled by Iris Eichenberg.Copper, coal, graphite, iron filings.. 2017.15 x 8 x 7 cm.Photo by: Tim Thayer.From series: I Do Not Wish. Iris Eichenberg
Object: Untitled, 2017
Copper, coal, graphite, iron filings.
15 x 8 x 7 cm
Photo by: Tim Thayer
From series: I Do Not Wish
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Iris Eichenberg and Jimena Rios paths have crossed and become entwined through their common interest in ex-votos. A body of work made after multiple working trips to South America, which showed Iris's interest of ex-votos, those objects Iris creates, which are made out of necessity and charged through making. Ex-votos possess a unique ability to communicate because they stand-in for universal longing for change and betterment. Meanwhile, Jimena encounters with 24 artists from Argentina, Colombia and Chile, she curates an exhibition under the same theme and cooperated with Iris, presenting the pieces from 24 jewellery artists: True is what has been made