
Im FoCus: Benedict Haener

Exhibition  /  09 Mar 2024  -  06 Apr 2024
Published: 04.03.2024
Benedict Haener. Pendant: High Flyer 2000 , 2022. Swiss banknotes, gold. 9 x 7 x 1 cm. My works were created in an examination of monetary values. It starts with the banknote, whose value is created by social guarantees. Shredding the notes destroys these guarantees within a few seconds. Through a lot of manual work, new poetic works are created from the worthless fragments. A revaluation from monetary to emotional value takes place. Benedict Haener
Pendant: High Flyer 2000 , 2022
Swiss banknotes, gold
9 x 7 x 1 cm
My works were created in an examination of monetary values. It starts with the banknote, whose value is created by social guarantees. Shredding the notes destroys these guarantees within a few seconds. Through a lot of manual work, new poetic works are created from the worthless fragments. A revaluation from monetary to emotional value takes place
© By the author. Read Copyright.

The first impression is deceptive - a sentence that probably applies to all of Benedict Haener's conceptual works. Because tinkering, inventing, questioning values, and generating new values are what interest him most on his curious path to the perfect illusion.