
Benedict Haener

Published: 05.03.2024
Benedict Haener Benedict Haener


Benedict Haener is an artist based in Luzern, Switzerland. After a classical goldsmith apprenticeship, he studied industrial design at the GBS St.Gallen and combined design and practice with the BA XS Jewelry at the HSLU Lucerne.
Benedict's work captivates viewers with its technical finesse, playful design, and irritating associations.


Benedict Haener's works captivate with technical sophistication, playfulness and the irritating familiarity of seemingly familiar everyday objects. The works are wearable. They are, at the same time, status symbols, pro- and anti-statements. Thematically, Haener defies familiar conventions with irony and wit. Values are questioned, and new qualities are constructed by Haener using surprising techniques and processes.

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Exhibition  14 Sep 2024 - 06 Jan 2025  Orizzonti d'Autore: Between Body & Soul.
Exhibition  09 Mar 2024 - 06 Apr 2024  Im FoCus: Benedict Haener.
Award giving  02 Mar 2024 - 02 Mar 2024  Talente. Masters of the Future Prizes 2024.