Anne Luz Castellanos
Published: 17.01.2025
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- anneluzcastellanos
Anne Luz Castellanos is a French-Mexican contemporary jeweller living and working in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She studied Industrial Design in Mexico City, and then entered into the jewelry world. Once she moved to her new home, she discovered the contemporary jewelry and she found a new way to express her self. She has participated in several collectives exhibitions, and in 2018 she is selected at Schmuck 2018.Statement
I left the country where I was born, even though each day I’m more adapted to my new life, it was and is still hard to be so far from my relatives. There is nostalgia, self-reflection and new relations to come.I think this is the main source of inspiration for my jewelry pieces.
As I thought about how to express these feelings through a piece of contemporary jewelry, I realized that having tea can be both a very social activity, as well as a time for solitude and meditation. Drinking a cup of tea can be associated with enjoying banal, funny, even deep conversations with your close ones or just yourself.
During the last years, I preserved and transformed into art the tea and tea bags used in each occasion.
Each tea, lived each moment and witnessed every meeting, what was said and what the thoughts were.
About the Piano Keys collection:
When I was young I used to play the piano together with my mom and three sisters. I enjoyed it and have many good memories: the concerts we played, my avocado sandwich before class, the teacher’s dog annoying all over the place and of course her grand piano I always wished for.
As a child, I dreamed of getting the piano for Christmas, it never came…. When my parents finally bought a piano we were very excited, all the family was very happy because now we could practice and play at any time at home.
Time went by, we all grew up and nowadays the piano rests silent in the same place at the living room. Every now and then, when all my family gets together, the little ones use that piano.
Some time ago, pieces of a shattered old piano came into my hands. I was so excited because it made me remember my Mexican childhood. I decided to work with the piano parts. Initially, I did not use the white keys because I suspected they were made of ivory. It made me shiver to know that I could have the remains of elephants in my hands. After, many months of working only with the black keys, I decided to use the white keys by way of protest. I thought that I could repurpose and transform these discarded, useless and forgotten objects into jewelry pieces that express feelings of duality, sadness caused by the death of innocent elephants and the remembrance of the days I used to play the piano with my family many years ago.
This collection is a tribute to those who are no longer here, the elephants, the old pianos. As a way of creating awareness and a challenging reflection.
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- anneluzcastellanos
Shirly Bar-Amotz
Kibbutz Maabarot, Israel -
Catarina Silva
Lisbon, Portugal -
Kirsten Plank
Plattling, Germany -
Mari Ishikawa
Munich, Germany -
Sara Shahak
Petah Tikva, Israel -
Tore Svensson
Gothenburg, Sweden -
Wiebke Pandikow
Helsinki, Finland -
Warwick Freeman
Auckland, New Zealand -
Helen Clara Hemsley
Copenhagen, Denmark -
Fumiko Gotô
Basel, Switzerland -
Beppe Kessler
Amsterdam, Netherlands -
Daphne Krinos
London, United Kingdom -
Jeremy Isamu Irvin
Ellensburg, United States -
Yoko Takirai and Pietro Pellitteri
Florence, Italy -
Malene Kastalje
Copenhagen, Denmark