Friedrich Becker
Published: 01.12.2023
Friedrich Becker (1922 - 1997) was born in Ende, near Herdecke, however, after his father had taken over the family restaurant, Becker grew up in Grevenstein in the Sauerland, a region in North-Rhine Westphalia. Firstly, Friedrich Becker finished his apprenticeship as a distinguished machine builder and then studied aeronautical technology. After the war, he completed his training as a goldsmith and from then on he worked as an artist in goldsmithing. Friedrich Becker was one of the outstanding artists of our times. As an internationally renowned goldsmith, the creator of kinetic jewellery and objects, a designer, and not least as professor at the Fachhochschule Düsseldorf he was influential and inspirational in the goldsmiths‘ art of the second half of the 20th century. As an artist, Becker received numerous First Prizes and was presented with awards and distinctions. Major museums worldwide have collected and shown his work in numerous exhibitions.Statement
All his life Becker was a homo ludens, an artist who mastered the use of materials in such a way that true to the term, he played with these. He not only enriched the art of the jeweller but also that of the metalworker and sculptor with marvellous inventions. Becker was relentless in his search for precision, yet as no other, he conveyed a feeling of lightness and joie de vivre. Friedrich Becker was always inspirational to young artist jewellers and will remain so for future generations./ Dr. Rüdiger Joppien
Empar Juanes Sanchis
Alfarb, Spain -
Shirly Bar-Amotz
Kibbutz Maabarot, Israel -
Catarina Silva
Lisbon, Portugal -
Kirsten Plank
Plattling, Germany -
Mari Ishikawa
Munich, Germany -
Sara Shahak
Petah Tikva, Israel -
Tore Svensson
Gothenburg, Sweden -
Wiebke Pandikow
Helsinki, Finland -
Warwick Freeman
Auckland, New Zealand -
Helen Clara Hemsley
Copenhagen, Denmark -
Fumiko Gotô
Basel, Switzerland -
Beppe Kessler
Amsterdam, Netherlands -
Daphne Krinos
London, United Kingdom -
Jeremy Isamu Irvin
Ellensburg, United States -
Yoko Takirai and Pietro Pellitteri
Florence, Italy