
Kamo River by Kimiaki Kageyama

Exhibition  /  23 Apr 2016  -  12 May 2016
Published: 20.04.2016
Ring: Stone of Kamu River by Kimiaki Kageyama.300 year-old Urushi, 20K gold, pigment of cinnabar, gold pigment, champagne color diamond, epoxy resin.. 2016.2.3 x 2.3 x 3.5 cm. Kimiaki Kageyama
Ring: Stone of Kamu River, 2016
300 year-old Urushi, 20K gold, pigment of cinnabar, gold pigment, champagne color diamond, epoxy resin.
2.3 x 2.3 x 3.5 cm
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A small and powerful group of rings and two brooches by the artist.