
Katrine Borup: BODYPARTy

Exhibition  /  10 Jan 2013  -  05 Feb 2013
Published: 11.01.2013
Piece: Drowning by E-numbers by Katrine Borup.Balloon ends from long, thin balloon animal balloons, thread. 2013.A section of my beautifully colour-enhanced small intestine enlarged ten times.
. This piece of jewellery resembles the shape and appearance of the small intestine – a section of human small intestine enlarged ten times. The inside of the small intestine is covered in intestinal villi: millimetre-sized folds that increase the surface area of the small intestine and thus the absorption of nutrients considerably. 
. Drowning by E-numbers is a wide belt or tube that one pulls up around one’s body (or down – depending on one’s build) – a balloon corset. Drowning by E-numbers maintains the same diameter throughout the length of the tube, so unlike a normal corset it will fit loosely around the waist and tend to fold up, turning the ”villi-lined” interior inside-out. In this state, the piece almost resembles a bathing ring or life ring. Others might be reminded of a “belly tyre”. While the corset is associated with CONTROL, the tyre is a sign of the opposite. 
. The title refers to food colouring and plays with the idea that it takes knowledge and information to eat right. Anyone taking on that challenge might soon find themselves drowning in the vast ocean of often contradictory information on the topic.. Katrine Borup
Piece: Drowning by E-numbers, 2013
Balloon ends from long, thin balloon animal balloons, thread
A section of my beautifully colour-enhanced small intestine enlarged ten times.
This piece of jewellery resembles the shape and appearance of the small intestine – a section of human small intestine enlarged ten times. The inside of the small intestine is covered in intestinal villi: millimetre-sized folds that increase the surface area of the small intestine and thus the absorption of nutrients considerably.

Drowning by E-numbers is a wide belt or tube that one pulls up around one’s body (or down – depending on one’s build) – a balloon corset. Drowning by E-numbers maintains the same diameter throughout the length of the tube, so unlike a normal corset it will fit loosely around the waist and tend to fold up, turning the ”villi-lined” interior inside-out. In this state, the piece almost resembles a bathing ring or life ring. Others might be reminded of a “belly tyre”. While the corset is associated with CONTROL, the tyre is a sign of the opposite.

The title refers to food colouring and plays with the idea that it takes knowledge and information to eat right. Anyone taking on that challenge might soon find themselves drowning in the vast ocean of often contradictory information on the topic.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

BODYPARTy is a jewellery series related to anatomic models – objects that playfully address a likeness to body parts, organs, tissue types, cell structures etc.