
KITSCH between ART AND ORNAMENT. 2000-2011

Exhibition  /  03 Nov 2011  -  22 Dec 2011
Published: 18.10.2011
Gijs Bakker. Brooch: Butterflies, 2008. Yellow gold, metal, steel, sapphires, ruby, pink corundums, corundums princess, agate, tsavolites, peridots, moonstones, glass. Series Real?. Gijs Bakker
Brooch: Butterflies, 2008
Yellow gold, metal, steel, sapphires, ruby, pink corundums, corundums princess, agate, tsavolites, peridots, moonstones, glass
Series Real?
© By the author. Read Copyright.

(...) Ten artists, including the most significant in the international arena, are witnesses to a new address at the end of the twentieth century figurative formulas for the liberating effect of the postmodern movement and which has grown in the last decade with extreme views, neo-baroque, neo-Manierist and neo-Symbolist. (...)