
Kosmos Kino

Exhibition  /  13 Mar 2014  -  16 Mar 2014
Published: 04.03.2014
Vivi Touloumidi. Installation: What will kosmos say?, 2014. Volcanic pumice stones, steel. Various sizes (average dimensions: 7 x 8 x 11 cm). Carved & textured by the artist. Vivi Touloumidi
Installation: What will kosmos say?, 2014
Volcanic pumice stones, steel
Various sizes (average dimensions: 7 x 8 x 11 cm)
Carved & textured by the artist
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Kosmos and Kino. Two charachters at play; two stories laid out and entwined by artists Vivi Touloumidi, Beatrice Brovia & Nicolas Cheng, each exploring the jewelry medium in the expanded field.