
Lligams. Més enllà de la joia by Lluís Comín and Elena Comín

Exhibition  /  25 Sep 2021  -  30 Oct 2021
Published: 13.09.2021
Brooch: Vestigis 4 by Lluís Comín Vilajosana.Silver, 750 gold, ebony, jet.. 2020.5 x 10 x 2.5 cm. Lluís Comín Vilajosana
Brooch: Vestigis 4, 2020
Silver, 750 gold, ebony, jet.
5 x 10 x 2.5 cm
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The word lligams has to do with the ties that bind us to things and people, these ties can "enslave" or "caress" us gently to remind us where we come from and to look to the future with a deposit of tradition. A satellite exhibition part of the Off Joya event