
Mirage / You’ve got the look by Sanna Svedestedt & Karin Roy Andersson

Exhibition  /  01 Oct 2015  -  24 Oct 2015
Published: 01.10.2015
Necklace: Backupfront by Karin Roy Andersson.Recycled plastics (from snuffboxes, oil bottle and glycol bottle) thread, steel, silver. 2015.15 x 23 x 5 cm. Karin Roy Andersson
Necklace: Backupfront, 2015
Recycled plastics (from snuffboxes, oil bottle and glycol bottle) thread, steel, silver
15 x 23 x 5 cm
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Today art is often consumed through digital media, but what happens when reality is shown behind a filter and what happens if the imagination gets free play?