
SODAmore Summer 2011: Contemperary Art Jewellery Exhibition

Exhibition  /  24 Jun 2011  -  26 Aug 2011
Published: 26.06.2011
Tanel Veenre. Earrings: Untitled, 2010. Amethyst, resin, lace, silver, colour pigments, cosmic dust. Tanel, VeenreEarrings: 2010Amethyst, resin, lace, silver, colour pigments, cosmic dust. Tanel Veenre
Earrings: Untitled, 2010
Amethyst, resin, lace, silver, colour pigments, cosmic dust

Tanel, Veenre
Earrings: 2010
Amethyst, resin, lace, silver, colour pigments, cosmic dust

© By the author. Read Copyright.

This show will challenge you to forget the old contours and styles you were once used to, to be swiftly replaced by deserving contemporary art.

 SODAmore, which was also organized last year, will host many new international artists.