
Tresors 2024

Exhibition  /  13 Sep 2024  -  31 Oct 2024
Published: 12.09.2024

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In its seventh edition, Tresors exhibition is being hosted by Llotja School as part of its 250th anniversary celebrations, featuring 24 Catalan participants and marking the first event in a series of festivities for the upcoming school year.

For this occasion, the 48 pieces on display were inspired by the vibrant and captivating primary colour BLUE. 

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Artist list

Patrícia Aguiló, Margarida Aldabó, Gemma Canal, Ignasi Capdevila, Ignasi Cavaller, Lluís Comín Vilajosana, Jordi Falguera, Pilar Freixanet, Mònica Fugarolas, Cristina Giménez, Antonio Gómez, Núria L.Ribalta, Gemma López, Clara Niubò, Rosa Nogués, Núria Pallí, Jordi Plana, Martina Pont, Marta Roca, Elisenda Santacreu, Sílvia Serra Albaladejo, Lídiа Sevilla, Tensí Solsona, Agnès Wo
There are many stimuli that we perceive daily and that cause an emotional effect in us. These make us feel a certain way, and among them we find colors.

In fact, color psychology studies and analyzes the effect that colors have on us individually and even in what they invite us to feel and in the way we behave towards them. Colors are known to influence our mental and emotional state.


Throughout history and in the various spheres of life, blue is revealed as a color that transcends cultural and social barriers.
Its ability to evoke calm and serenity has generated symbolic associations that go beyond the aesthetic, and has been part of different religious traditions throughout human history. Blue has also been associated with deep spiritual meanings in various cultures and religious traditions, including Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism.

In certain cultures this ability of color is associated with a healing power, sometimes even magical.

In the past, due to the fact that the blue pigment came from lapis lazuli and was very expensive to obtain, its use revealed the purchasing power of the client who commissioned the work. Therefore, color was associated with social distinction. Hence the importance of blue in heraldry and nobility.

It is defined as a peaceful and orderly color and despite being a cold tone that invites calm, blue is the color of sympathy, harmony and spiritual virtues. Another value associated with this color is sincerity, inspiration, spirituality, emotional energy and mental strength. Blue also represents intelligence, wisdom, understanding and stability.

For this reason, in the contemporary interpretation, it is associated with rationalism and, more specifically, with science, technology and innovation.

It is said that people who prefer the color blue tend to be secure, loyal and calm. They don't like to attract attention and can be introverted but able to communicate openly and honestly. They are analytical people as well as good listeners and reliable friends. They prefer deep relationships to superficial ones and are conciliatory because conflicts, whether with other people or with themselves, exhaust them. They are also said to be cautious and reluctant to relinquish control.

Blue, paradoxically associated with serenity, has also been linked to sadness in the emotional realm.

The origin of this association has been traced back to the 18th century, where there was talk of "blue demons" that people saw when they were depressed. This connection may be due to the association with elements such as rain or cloudy skies, which are commonly perceived as melancholy.

In addition, its association with the sky and ocean suggests an endless horizon of possibilities and a shared journey into eternity.
Blue will also be the color of the throat chakra, that of communication; but this energy center is not limited to expression, but also contemplates intuition.

Blue is one of the three primary colors and, on the color wheel, lies between violet and green. There are many shades, depending on how it is mixed with other colors and the most popular are cyan blue, turquoise blue, blue, navy blue.

/ Silvia Serra Albaladejo

The exhibition will be open from September 13th to October 31st.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm.
Opening reception: Friday, September 13th, at 7:00 pm.