
Vicki Mason: Botanical Fictions

Exhibition  /  31 Oct 2011  -  15 Nov 2011
Published: 19.10.2011
Vicki Mason. Brooch: Australian bouquet, 2011. Powder coated brass, copper and sterling silver, hand-dyed PVC, polyester, rayon and viscose thread. Photography: Johannes Kuhnen. Vicki Mason
Brooch: Australian bouquet, 2011
Powder coated brass, copper and sterling silver, hand-dyed PVC, polyester, rayon and viscose thread
Photography: Johannes Kuhnen
© By the author. Read Copyright.

(...) Vicki is enthralled by plants as subject matter and the potential they have to tell stories about our lives and the societies we live in. Her new series of works, ‘Botanical Fictions’, feature an ornamental vocabulary of plant-based forms that Vicki developed over the period of her recent study (...)