
BravasXdentro ConeXiones Instagram Live Interviews: Chrissie Barban and Miriam Mirna Korolkovas from Núcleo Group

Lectures  /  OnlineOnly  /  14 Jul 2020
Published: 13.07.2020
BravasXdentro ConeXiones Instagram Live Interviews: Chrissie Barban and Miriam Mirna Korolkovas from Núcleo Group.

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This year Joya Brava Association turns 10 years old! In the middle of a paused Continent and an uncertain panorama, we seek to contribute to the Latin American Contemporary Jewelry circuit by bringing together the key figures representing associations, institutions and groups that have played an important role in the development of this net, collaborating, linking, generating experiences, knowledge, research and encounters, creating community and opening paths collectively.