
The Gemstone Detective: An Insider's Look at Tanzania's Mining Landscape

Lectures  /  History   OnlineOnly   BehindTheScenes   ProfessionalPractice  /  04 Nov 2024
Published: 16.07.2024

© By the author. Read Copyright.

Join gemmologist and author Kim Rix for an enlightening talk about her remarkable journey through Tanzania's mining regions. Gain an authentic glimpse into the lives and landscapes of the Umba, Longido, Mahenge, and Tanzanite mines in Merelani.
Through captivating storytelling and visuals, Kim will share personal encounters and the everyday realities of Tanzania's mining communities. Learn about the mining processes, the challenges local miners face, and the cultural significance of these precious gemstones. Whether you are passionate about travel, jewellery-making, or exploring different cultures, this talk will provide valuable insights into the inner workings of Tanzania's gemstone mines.

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions and join the conversation.

When: Monday 4 November 2024. 6pm – 7.30pm 
Online (via Zoom), UK time
Cost: £5 or £10

>> Book HERE

Kim Rix is a gemmologist and author, deeply passionate about exploring and understanding the gem trade. Qualified by the prestigious Gemological Institute of America (GIA), she has spent 8 years delving into the fascinating world of gemstones, thoroughly researching and exploring some of the most renowned mines around the globe. Her journeys have taken her deep into the heart of Tanzania, where she has closely examined the treasures of Umba, Longido, Mahenge, and the Tanzanite mines in Merelani. Combining her expertise with a love for travel and photography, Kim captures the essence of each gem through her lens, sharing unique insights and experiences that culminated in the creation of the Gemstone Detective brand.