
ZADAN Lecture series. Hopes and Protections on the run, Refugees and Things: A Grounded Theory and Material Culture Approach by Elena Höpfner

Lectures  /  OnlineOnly  /  15 Feb 2022
Published: 07.02.2022
ZADAN Lecture series. Hopes and Protections on the run, Refugees and Things: A Grounded Theory and Material Culture Approach by Elena Höpfner.
Illustration by Elena Höpfner (2019) on the poster.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

What do people take with them when they run for their lives? What meanings do these things have for the refugees and what role(s) do they play on the way? And what can possessions tell us about the phenomenon of flight? We cordially invite you to the fifth lecture in the ZADAN series by Elena Höpfner.