Jewelry Links. Turkish Contemporary Jewelry Collective
Published: 16.12.2021

Jewelry Links is a 8-year old collective created by 16 Turkish contemporary jewelry designers. Over the years, the collective has introduced contemporary Turkish jewelry to an ever-growing audience by participating in numerous exhibitions at home and abroad. Members of the creative collaboration add contemporary dimension to the traditional concept of jewelry by working with unconventional materials.
SIAJ Slovenian Association of Jewellers
Ljubljana, Slovenia -
Françoise van den Bosch Foundation
Amsterdam, Netherlands -
Italiano Plurale
Bolzano, Italy -
Graz, Austria -
Handwerk & Design
Munich, Germany -
Artesania Catalunya. Consorci de Comerç, Artesania i Moda de Catalunya
Barcelona, Spain -
Master Jewelry Skills
Edegem, Belgium -
Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst
Hanau, Germany -
Workshops Crafts Brussels
Brussels, Belgium -
Brune Boyer Atelier(s)
Aillon-le-vieux, France -
The Pool
Amsterdam, Netherlands -
Mons, Belgium -
Craft Abroad
Chatham, United States -
Joya Brava
Santiago, Chile -
ZLR Betriebsimperium
Hamburg, Germany