Published: 08.04.2024

The TRIPLE PARADE, established in 2013, a prestigious annual international cultural project (nonprofit), has become one of the leading contemporary applied art and design exhibition, where cultural exchanges are expanded between China and the rest of the world on a multitude of levels. Internationalization can be a great power that liberates individuals from limitations of their local culture, but there is no doubt a homogenizing tendency that involves a leveling of cultural diversity also operates. It all depends on how we look at it, as there is nothing which should stop the culture exchange force transforming the world into a new wonderland beyond our imagination.
Handwerk & Design
Munich, Germany -
Artesania Catalunya. Consorci de Comerç, Artesania i Moda de Catalunya
Barcelona, Spain -
Master Jewelry Skills
Edegem, Belgium -
Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst
Hanau, Germany -
Workshops Crafts Brussels
Brussels, Belgium -
Françoise van den Bosch Foundation
Amsterdam, Netherlands -
Italiano Plurale
Bolzano, Italy -
Brune Boyer Atelier(s)
Aillon-le-vieux, France -
The Pool
Amsterdam, Netherlands -
Mons, Belgium -
Craft Abroad
Chatham, United States -
SIAJ Slovenian Association of Jewellers
Ljubljana, Slovenia -
Joya Brava
Santiago, Chile -
ZLR Betriebsimperium
Hamburg, Germany -
About Fucina Orafa Milano
Milan, Italy