
Osian Efnisien

Published: 26.06.2024


Osian studied Fine Art at De Montford University and Design Practice at Wrexham Glyndwr. He is a member of the Precious Collective group of jewellers and has exhibited widely internationally, both as an illustrator/graphic artist and as a jewellery designer. Osian lives and works in Snowdonia, North Wales, UK


I sculpt and I build/fuse/construct permanent and semi-permanent sculptural pieces. Playfully abandoning concepts of wearability and permanence, rejecting past/ current forms and styles, I discern (aesthetically) by reference to shape, colour, form and texture alone. Layer by layer, building gems and meanings in to and wrapping them within layers of humour, plastics, crystals, metals, gems, creating things to be worn/not worn, contemplated and explored. presenting them as intimately wearable, (sometimes unwearable) analogue statements “rings”, with a view to test and explore notions of utility, value and meaning within Contemporary Jewellery.

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Fair  09 Dec 2022 - 11 Dec 2022  Cluster Jewellery Fair 2022.