
Enric Majoral: Dibuixos / Joies

Book  /  SdEdicions   Monograph
Published: 17.02.2006
Enric Majoral: Dibuixos / Joies.
Enric Majoral
Edited by:
Sd edicions
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Technical data:
224 pp. 22,5 x 22,5 cm. Soft Cover. Catalàn/English
from 46 €

This book brings together Enric Majoral's drawings and jewels from 1974 to 2002 and an interview between Maia Creus and the artist. "I always feel jewellery only takes on it's true stature when in contact with human skin. Therefore this has guided, intuitively, my work ever since: the search for a kind of jewellery based on elemental and basic shapes which are almost humble in their nakedness and yet also alive and expressive within the human heart."
An artist who has the wonderful ability to absorb everything that surrounds him: landscape, nature, art ... From this point on, Majoral knows how to build each of the jewels, creating a work with a strong personal footprint.

Over time I have been reasserting myself in a basically intuitive way of working that is based on a direct, almost physical, dialogue with materials and tools. I never started a piece or a collection with a previously conceived idea, but rather on the contrary. Every day I go to the workshop without knowing what I will do. I start playing with the materials, manipulating them, observing their behavior, until, in an unexpected way, some property of the subject suggests an image.
/ Enric Majoral