SM*CK Magazine. Issue #05 From Center To Periphery
Published: 14.11.2021
- Editor:
- Loukia Richards, Christoph Ziegler, Diane Shugart
- Edited by:
- ZLR Betriebsimperium
- Edited at:
- Hamburg / Athens
- Edited on:
- 2021
- Technical data:
- 80 pages; Color; Standard cover; Perfect Bound, English; 21 x 27,5 cm
- Price:
- from 20 €
- Order:
- SM*CK Magazine #5

The pandemic made the metropolises less attractive; the risk of contamination and revenue losses increased the pressures on freelancers. Zoom meetings and shows are cheap, reach new audiences, and expand a show’s radius and the artist's reputation.
It's the economy, artist!
The intellectual laziness to analyze social issues beyond black or white, disappointment at the limited job offers after graduation, and the illusion that talent means future success create mental obstacles for younger artists seeking salvation in politics – or rather the more fashionable aspects of activism. However, jewelry has always been a social symbol connected to magic, power, and distinction. Demonizing the market, as some voices advocate, is foremost suicidal but also renders jewelry art meaningless.
Art and design schools should urgently introduce career coaching, along with communication and art economics classes. Students should realize that it is easy to preach the virtues of poverty under the banner of ‘art for art’s sake’ while living in an ivory tower. Peer pressure to conform with community illusions rather than daring to seek one's own fulfillment and happiness are additional obstacles to overcome.
The lack of coverage of major jewelry art and crafts events in the mainstream media as well as the unimaginative online presentations’ failure to attract visitors nurture frustration that nobody notices. Many artists feel something needs to change. The Covid-19 crisis has made it impossible to return to the earlier practice of participating in expensive fairs with little or zero financial results.
The broader public's lack of interest in jewelry events should lead to the perhaps heretical albeit liberating question art professionals should ask themself: what is so special about my work? Why should anybody care?
Think of the arguments you will use to convince a total stranger why your work is unique and how the stranger's life would benefit from your art and you’ve already taken a big step towards breaking the spell of the ivory tower.
SM*CK Magazine #05 features:
Tom Sachs landing on the Vesta asteroid.
Jewelry should be worn, not collected.
Artists should learn to talk about money.
Crafters can restitute respect for nature.
To Moscow, my sisters, to Moscow?
I was born on a bus.
Urban art is a gift to everybody.
A fake countryside made of plastic.
The new Crafts Council Gallery in London.
Karl Fritsch: Make the best work you can.
Gian Luca Bartellone: Even a dark cloud can have a silver lining.
Hairuo Ding: Each artist is now more like an independent brand.
Andreas Ohrenschall: Words are the tongue's gemstones.
The destruction of culture is a horrible act.
Greek jewelry's secrets of resilience.
The Photograph
Letters to the Editor
The Object
The Middle Pages
Editor's choice
Jewelry and The City
The intellectual laziness to analyze social issues beyond black or white, disappointment at the limited job offers after graduation, and the illusion that talent means future success create mental obstacles for younger artists seeking salvation in politics – or rather the more fashionable aspects of activism. However, jewelry has always been a social symbol connected to magic, power, and distinction. Demonizing the market, as some voices advocate, is foremost suicidal but also renders jewelry art meaningless.
Art and design schools should urgently introduce career coaching, along with communication and art economics classes. Students should realize that it is easy to preach the virtues of poverty under the banner of ‘art for art’s sake’ while living in an ivory tower. Peer pressure to conform with community illusions rather than daring to seek one's own fulfillment and happiness are additional obstacles to overcome.
The lack of coverage of major jewelry art and crafts events in the mainstream media as well as the unimaginative online presentations’ failure to attract visitors nurture frustration that nobody notices. Many artists feel something needs to change. The Covid-19 crisis has made it impossible to return to the earlier practice of participating in expensive fairs with little or zero financial results.
The broader public's lack of interest in jewelry events should lead to the perhaps heretical albeit liberating question art professionals should ask themself: what is so special about my work? Why should anybody care?
Think of the arguments you will use to convince a total stranger why your work is unique and how the stranger's life would benefit from your art and you’ve already taken a big step towards breaking the spell of the ivory tower.
SM*CK Magazine #05 features:
Tom Sachs landing on the Vesta asteroid.
Jewelry should be worn, not collected.
Artists should learn to talk about money.
Crafters can restitute respect for nature.
To Moscow, my sisters, to Moscow?
I was born on a bus.
Urban art is a gift to everybody.
A fake countryside made of plastic.
The new Crafts Council Gallery in London.
Karl Fritsch: Make the best work you can.
Gian Luca Bartellone: Even a dark cloud can have a silver lining.
Hairuo Ding: Each artist is now more like an independent brand.
Andreas Ohrenschall: Words are the tongue's gemstones.
The destruction of culture is a horrible act.
Greek jewelry's secrets of resilience.
The Photograph
Letters to the Editor
The Object
The Middle Pages
Editor's choice
Jewelry and The City
- Editor:
- Loukia Richards, Christoph Ziegler, Diane Shugart
- Edited by:
- ZLR Betriebsimperium
- Edited at:
- Hamburg / Athens
- Edited on:
- 2021
- Technical data:
- 80 pages; Color; Standard cover; Perfect Bound, English; 21 x 27,5 cm
- Price:
- from 20 €
- Order:
- SM*CK Magazine #5
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