SM*CK Magazine. Issue #04 Greece_200
Published: 28.06.2021
- Editor:
- Loukia Richards, Diana Shugart
- Text by:
- Loukia Richards, Christoph Ziegler
- Edited by:
- ZLR Betriebsimperium
- Edited at:
- Hamburg / Athens
- Edited on:
- 2021
- Technical data:
- 74 pages; Color; Standard cover; English; 21 x 27 cm
- Price:
- from 19 €
- Order:
- SM*CK Magazine #4

What is Greece to us? The ancient cities and temples? The concept of life and death? The ideal of beauty? Philosophy or yearning for wisdom? The vast cultural heritage? SMCK Magazine’s 4th issue celebrates the 200th anniversary of Greece's War by presenting exclusive artworks of the country’s rich tradition.
“Ithaca gave you the marvelous journey” *
In his poem “Ithaca,” Constantine P. Cavafy, a Greek from Alexandria, describes Ulysses’s island as the prize for an intrepid voyager undertaking life's journey. Ithaca is poor and humble; however, the poet is now rich in experiences and knowledge, fearless of monsters and perils, and even equal in fame to immortal gods.
Nostos is the Greek word for “longing for home.” Longing/Sehnsucht is the title of a jewelry series created by fourteen students at the Pforzheim School of Design who were inspired by Greece's heritage and challenged by SMCK's question: what is ‘Greece’ to you?
What is Greece to us? The ancient cities and temples? The concept of life and death? The ideal of beauty? Philosophy or yearning for wisdom? The arts and crafts? Poetry and music? Politics, freedom, and democracy? Faith and truth? Love for nature? Soft healing? Sharing and empathy as social practice? The Greek people? The diaspora? The philhellenes? The Greek cosmopolites? The vast cultural heritage?
This #Greece_200 issue celebrates the 200th anniversary of Greece's War of Independence from the Ottoman Empire by presenting stunning examples of the rich and enriching contemporary Greece.
Robert Liddell, the British writer and Cavafy's biographer, mentions a meeting of the Greek poet with F. T. Marinetti in 1930. The latter called Cavafy a “futurist.” Cavafy politely demurred; Marinetti explained: “The one who is avantgarde in life or art is a futurist.”
Rooted in the long tradition of poetry recited in the courts of Syria and Egypt – Greek kingdoms established after the death of Alexander of Macedonia – Cavafy's work is timeless, unique, and inimitable. It is the very definition of avantgarde.
Every designer and artist, regardless of origin or background, who decides to dig in the fruitful soil of Greek tradition will discover that the country's treasures give ingenious answers to tomorrow's challenges.
* From the translation by Edmund Keeley
SM*CK Magazine #04 Greece_200 features:
Ithaca gave you the marvelous journey.
The map of liberation.
Minoan mysteries unveiled.
The spirituality of justice.
Dressed to be free.
Logical revolt.
Shaped by Nos.
I was born a rose.
We are all within our future.
The futurist of Alexandria.
I believe in the classical standards of harmony.
The fragile delicate dimension of art.
The culture of commitment.
When ghosts don't sleep.
Longing for the day after.
The fabric of memory.
Culture is a weapon.
Beyond adornment.
The beauty of mutations.
The photograph.
Letter to the editor.
In the middle.
The Object.
In his poem “Ithaca,” Constantine P. Cavafy, a Greek from Alexandria, describes Ulysses’s island as the prize for an intrepid voyager undertaking life's journey. Ithaca is poor and humble; however, the poet is now rich in experiences and knowledge, fearless of monsters and perils, and even equal in fame to immortal gods.
Nostos is the Greek word for “longing for home.” Longing/Sehnsucht is the title of a jewelry series created by fourteen students at the Pforzheim School of Design who were inspired by Greece's heritage and challenged by SMCK's question: what is ‘Greece’ to you?
What is Greece to us? The ancient cities and temples? The concept of life and death? The ideal of beauty? Philosophy or yearning for wisdom? The arts and crafts? Poetry and music? Politics, freedom, and democracy? Faith and truth? Love for nature? Soft healing? Sharing and empathy as social practice? The Greek people? The diaspora? The philhellenes? The Greek cosmopolites? The vast cultural heritage?
This #Greece_200 issue celebrates the 200th anniversary of Greece's War of Independence from the Ottoman Empire by presenting stunning examples of the rich and enriching contemporary Greece.
Robert Liddell, the British writer and Cavafy's biographer, mentions a meeting of the Greek poet with F. T. Marinetti in 1930. The latter called Cavafy a “futurist.” Cavafy politely demurred; Marinetti explained: “The one who is avantgarde in life or art is a futurist.”
Rooted in the long tradition of poetry recited in the courts of Syria and Egypt – Greek kingdoms established after the death of Alexander of Macedonia – Cavafy's work is timeless, unique, and inimitable. It is the very definition of avantgarde.
Every designer and artist, regardless of origin or background, who decides to dig in the fruitful soil of Greek tradition will discover that the country's treasures give ingenious answers to tomorrow's challenges.
* From the translation by Edmund Keeley
SM*CK Magazine #04 Greece_200 features:
Ithaca gave you the marvelous journey.
The map of liberation.
Minoan mysteries unveiled.
The spirituality of justice.
Dressed to be free.
Logical revolt.
Shaped by Nos.
I was born a rose.
We are all within our future.
The futurist of Alexandria.
I believe in the classical standards of harmony.
The fragile delicate dimension of art.
The culture of commitment.
When ghosts don't sleep.
Longing for the day after.
The fabric of memory.
Culture is a weapon.
Beyond adornment.
The beauty of mutations.
The photograph.
Letter to the editor.
In the middle.
The Object.
Inner pages: Does Jewelry Need to Be Spiritual? (p. 10-11).
© By the author. Read Copyright.
Inner pages: The Material Culture Of Greece (p. 48-49).
© By the author. Read Copyright.
- Editor:
- Loukia Richards, Diana Shugart
- Text by:
- Loukia Richards, Christoph Ziegler
- Edited by:
- ZLR Betriebsimperium
- Edited at:
- Hamburg / Athens
- Edited on:
- 2021
- Technical data:
- 74 pages; Color; Standard cover; English; 21 x 27 cm
- Price:
- from 19 €
- Order:
- SM*CK Magazine #4
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