
Ana Cardim

Published: 15.08.2024


Artist, theorist, curator and designer, Ana Cardim was born in Lisbon in 1975 and expressed, from an early age, her desire to theorize and create aesthetic realities beyond the common borders of contemporary jewellery. With an intensive Performative Arts Course and a High degree in Art History - both held in Lisbon, she took a Master in Theory and Esthetics of Contemporary Arts at the University of Barcelona and had solid parallel training in Jewellery field, having attended Escola Massana, California College of the Arts, Contacto Directo and Ar.Co.


As an Artist, I have mainly opted to explore the jewellery potential as a platform for sociability and /or a place of discussion, and existential-philosophic reflection. The objects generated by my creative process can be understood as “device jewels” which stimulate dynamic dialogues – creating and recreating critical opinion in the public sphere. In aesthetic and conceptual terms, these objects transgress the common function of body adornments and acquire a political value through a transdisciplinary process. They can be understood as “Vehicles of Social Intervention” whose intention is to catalyze a redistribution of value meaning and propose new ways of constructing meaning in the face of a predominantly urban contemporary world in its distinct – and very pathological – social and environmental aspects.

In parallel to my Artistic Work, I launched my own jewellery design brand as a performative extension of my ideologic goals, providing it as a support platform for the most urgent Humanitarian causes through the sales of my jewels. I built this structure in order to achieve, first and foremost, my own Freedom and Independence as a Woman and simultaneously to emphasize the importance of reconstructing Feminine Identity to a global change of mentalities as an imperatively and really necessary step towards aesthetic, ethical, political and cultural redefinition in the context of contemporary society.  
As a Jewellery Designer, I highlight the most aesthetic aspect of my creations following criteria of lightness and formal debugging that bet on an asymmetrical geometry lending new forms to the eternal feminine. Most of my designs draw aesthetic affinities with lines of force present in urban environments linked to modern and contemporary architecture.
The concept of jewellery participates as a particle of luminous expression in the brilliant amplitude of the Creator’s breath and invites reflection: jewellery is everything that we value, or devalue; by social convention, it mirrors us as a society consumed by the false shine of power, a pathology that has led us to the total devaluation of True Human Values. We are the jewels in our treasure chest: inside.
All my work stems from the objective and programmatic reformulation of a new social and human protocol, founded on conjunct action and activated, catalyzed and empowered by aesthetic shared devices.

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Events      View / hide events

Exhibition  19 Sep 2024 - 03 Dec 2024  Enjoia't Awards 2024. Selected Artworks and Sales.
Exhibition  16 Sep 2021 - 20 Nov 2021  Cold Sweat.
Exhibition  14 Jun 2019 - 10 Sep 2019  Sunlight in Butterfly Wings.
Exhibition  05 Dec 2018 - 05 Feb 2019  Snowing a little out the window.
Exhibition  22 Jun 2015 - 04 Sep 2015  White horse in a green meadow.
Exhibition  06 May 2011 - 28 May 2011  Garbage Pin.
Exhibition  06 Jul 2010 - 06 Jul 2010  Ana Cardim: Aesthetic Nutrition.
Exhibition  29 May 2010 - 26 Jun 2010  Ana Cardim: Not for sale.
Workshop  01 Mar 2010 - 06 Mar 2010  A jóia como dispositivo crítico de intervenção social.
Meeting  09 Jan 2010 - 09 Jan 2010  Bread & Jewels SYMPOSIUM.
Exhibition  16 Dec 2009 - 10 Jan 2010  Garbage Pin Project:'worth VS waste'.
Exhibition  01 Dec 2009 - 03 Jan 2010  Ana Cardim: Buy a Baby.
Performance  07 Nov 2009 - 07 Nov 2009  Ana Cardim: Performance Clean Your Mind.
Exhibition  29 Oct 2009 - 14 Nov 2009  Garbage Pin Project:'worth VS waste'.
Exhibition  17 Sep 2009 - 29 Sep 2009  Ana Cardim: Device Jewels.
Exhibition  05 Jun 2009 - 22 Aug 2009  Garbage Pin Project:'worth VS waste'.
Exhibition  08 May 2009 - 23 May 2009  Garbage Pin Project:'worth VS waste'.
Performance  02 May 2009 - 02 May 2009  Clean your mind.
Book presentation  19 Mar 2009 - 19 Mar 2009  Presentation of the book Garbage Pin Project: 'worth VS waste'.

Publications      View / hide publications

2nd Bienal Contemporary Jewellery
Catalogue:  IDA Design Awards,. 2023
Catalogue:  CONTEMPORANIA High Craftmanship Barcelona. Le Departement:  Barcelona,  2023
International Fair catalogue
Catalogue:  IDA Design Awards. Farmani Group:  2022
Catalogue:  SUOR FRIO/COLD SWEAT, 1st Bienal Contemporary Jewellery. PIN:  Lisboa,  2021
Book:  HUNT: Kadri Mälk's Jewellery Collection. Mälk, Kadri; Luik, Viivi; den Besten, Liesbeth; Meistere, Una; Veenre, TanelArnoldsche Art Publishers:  Stuttgart,  2020
Book:  Contemporary Jewellery in Portugal: From the avant-garde of the 1960s to the early 21st century. Filipe, CristinaArnoldsche Art Publishers:  Stuttgart,  2019
Magazine:  The dispositive jewel in the work of Ana Cardim. Ribeiro de Albuquerque, IsabelCIEBA-FBAU:  Lisboa,  2016
Revista ESTÚDIO, Artistas sobre Outras Obras
Book:  New Earrings: 500+ designs from around the world. Estrada, NicolasThames & Hudson:  Untied Kingdom,  2013
Magazine:  CHAOTIC TURBULENCIES, International magazine BYPASS no2. Cardim, AnaBYPASS:  Lisbon,  2010
The infinitely big and the infinitely small, Ana Cardim
Magazine:  The infinitely big and the infinitely small. Cardim, AnaUniversitat Autonòma de Barcelona:  Barcelona,  2010
Book:  Garbage Pin Project. Woth vs Waste. Klimt02 Publishers:  Barcelona,  2009
Book:  Técnicas Básicas: aula de joyeria. Codina, CarlesParramón:  Barcelona,  2009
Article:  GARBAGE, WORDS, COORDINATES. Bertomeu, AmadorKlimt02 Publishers:  Barcelona,  2009
Article:  EXCESSES OF EXPERIENCE AND WAYS OF DOING TREASURES. Perán, MartínKlimt02 Publishers:  Barcelona,  2009
Article:  TARGETED MEMORY ERASURE. Ramos, FilipaKlimt02 Publishers:  Barcelona,  2009
Article:  ANA CARDIM’S ARTS. Villar, GerardKlimt02 Publishers:  Barcelona,  2009
Catalogue:  Impressions on Portuguese Contemporary Jewellery. Gallery LandskronSchneidzik:  Nüremberg,  2007
Book:  4 Points of Contact Between Lisbon and Rome. Sabatini Scalmati, LuciaAGC and PIN:  Rome,  2006