
Nanna Grønborg

Published: 02.05.2014


My jewellery is a body related tool used to comment on problems arising from the collision of manmade and the conditions of nature. This collision, in combination with the ongoing fusion of cultures fascinates me and it affects my work as my own life is a cultural combination.
I use theoretical tools like semiotics and the science of perception to reflect on these topics with a touch of irony.
The contradictions between the rational and the intuitive, between what we see and what we make of it feed my jewellery universe. My investigation of the interrelationships between objects and the imagination is an ongoing process.
My way of working is drawing on diverse methods, which help me to be aware of every decision including those which deliberately allow for chance. I strive to reach a subtle, sometimes minimalist aesthetic in my work, leaving it to the beholder to decode its message. It should irritate as much as stimulate reflection.
Nanna Grønborg

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Exhibition  11 Nov 2023 - 31 Dec 2023  Tincal lab Challenge 2023. Jewelry and Travel.
Exhibition  13 Feb 2020 - 14 Mar 2020  Voyagers.
Exhibition  08 Mar 2018 - 12 Mar 2018  Echo.
Exhibition  06 May 2016 - 05 Jun 2016  Plastic is Forever.
Exhibition  09 Nov 2015 - 27 Nov 2015  Junk: rubbish to gold.