
Overview of Art Jewellery in Germany 2010-2016

Serie  /  Curating   EditorsPicks
Published: 01.11.2016
Overview of Art Jewellery in Germany 2010-2016.
Overview of Art Jewellery in Germany 2010-2016.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

Germany is one of the countries with an oldest tradition on the so called Contemporary Jewellery as well as one of the most actives. Its creative activity has an international recognition & projection. We would like you to discover it through an overview of featured and selected items published at Klimt02.

We have made a selection of the most relevant contents comprising:

- 175 Events: Exhibitions, Awards, Fairs, Books presentations and Meetings.
- 12 Institutions: Galleries, Museums, Organizations and Schools.
- 33 Jewelers.
- 28 Writings: Articles and Interviews directly related to the practice of jewelery in the country.
- 62 Publications.
- 4 Videos.

> View the complete list of 485 events published from 2010 to 2016

> Explore through the Lokator map what happen in Germany currently