
New Talents 2024 by Klimt02. School Degree Shows and Award Nominees. 10th Edition

Serie  /  NewTalentsByKlimt02
Published: 26.08.2024
New Talents 2024 by Klimt02. School Degree Shows and Award Nominees. 10th Edition.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

Discover New Talents and understand the educational guidelines of the most relevant schools. In this Ongoing series, we are introducing the School members of Klimt02 who present their annual Degree Show and, in addition, a nominee for the ninth edition of the New Talent Award 2024 by Klimt02.


This series is updated regularly.
New items will be uploaded until 31st December. 
Use the 'Follow' button and get updates in your mail.


Klimt02 school members play a significant role because they offer a broad variety of opportunities to students. On their school profiles, you can find course information, artist-in-residence opportunities as well as open calls for jobs in educational positions. Relevant information for students, jewellers, teachers, applying students, researchers, and obviously for anyone interested to discover new talents.

From June to December 2024, we will keep updating this series with new content: BA and MA Degree Shows 2024 from our school members, New Talent Award Nominees 2024 with their graduation work from each school selected by their tutors.

New Talent Award 2024 by Klimt02
From the participating school entries, Klimt02 awards one of the featured students with a one-year free artist’s membership including a personal artist’s profile & a solo exhibition at Hannah Gallery.

The New Talent Nominees will be presented in the Klimt02 Forum from June until December 2024 and promoted in the Klimt02 newsletter and Facebook page.

Key dates:
31 Dec 2024: Deadline for Submission.
10 Jan - 12 Jan 2025: Klimt02 jury team examining period for New Talent Award.
25 Jan 2025: New Talent Award result announced.
To be announced: Exhibition of the Winner at Hannah Gallery.

If you represent one of Klimt02 school members, please check the details to participate
>> Open Call for Klimt02 School Members Degree Show and New Talent Award 2024.

If your school is not a Klimt02 member, please contact us ( to inquire about membership in order to participate in this series.

This series is updated regularly.
New items will be uploaded until 31st December. 
Use the 'Follow' button and get updates in your mail.