
Nelly Van Oost

Jeweller  /  MunichJewelleryWeek2024
Published: 23.02.2024


Nelly Van Oost is a contemporary jewellery artist based since 2013 in Brussels, Belgium. She studied classical jewellery in Namur and then contemporary jewellery at two art schools, in Barcelona for her Bachelor's degree (Escola Massana) and in Idar-Oberstein for her Master's degree (Hochschule Trier). She takes part in national and international exhibitions and has curated several shows, notably at the Becraft Gallery in Mons.
Since 2018, she has created a structure that hosts workshops by international artists in Brussels (Workshops Crafts Brussels). And since 2022, she has been teaching contemporary jewellery at the Woluwe st Pierre arts academy.


Her artistic researchs ways towards her wish to model the immaterial. To turn her thoughts into objects. Numerous questions surround this part of the process : what is it made of ? What are the immaterial connections that belong to identity? How to become aware of that impalpable universe, so present in our daily lives? 
The discovery of where we’re going while being aware of where we’re coming from is a strong creative tool.

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Events      View / hide events

Workshop  15 Jun 2025 - 15 Jun 2025  Earrings workshop by Judy McCaig 2025.
Workshop  25 Oct 2024 - 28 Oct 2024  Julia Maria Künnap Stone Carving Workshop.
Workshop  10 May 2024 - 13 May 2024  Stone Carving. A Workshop by Julia Maria Künnap.
Workshop  21 Apr 2024 - 22 Apr 2024  Gluetastic. An experimental workshop with Märta Mattsson.
Exhibition  29 Feb 2024 - 13 Apr 2024  Jewellery All Along the Line at Galerie Handwerk.
Exhibition  28 Feb 2024 - 08 Apr 2024  Jewellery all along the line.
Workshop  13 Feb 2024 - 14 Feb 2024  Earrings workshop by Judy McCaig.
Workshop  11 Feb 2024 - 12 Feb 2024  Cold Connections - Riveting. A workshop with Judy McCaig.
Exhibition  21 Oct 2018 - 20 Jan 2019  Next to the Skin.

Publications      View / hide publications

Book:  New Necklaces: 400+ Contemporary Designs. Nicolas EstradaPromopress:  United Kingdom,  2016