
Nina Lima

Published: 24.07.2024


An architect by training, with a Postgraduate degree in Health Architecture and worked in the area for ten years. She studied jewelry and goldsmith at Escola Arte Metal, in São Paulo. During her period living in Belo Horizonte she studied Postgraduate in Gems and Jewelry Design at the University of Minas Gerais, from there she found the language that she developed until the present day. Having the human body as a support, she realizes that she can dialogue through body adornments. She has participated in Contemporary jewellery fairs and exhibitions in Brazil, Barcelona, Amsterdam and Munich.


Looking Digestion. This is how I define my creation process. As a narrative for my work the importance of seeing the other, a constant questioning about the human being.
I'm part of a weekly study group in Contemporary Art where, with other artists, I feed my concerns, doubts, knowledge and gaps. I realize that my eyes are no longer the same. There, around the table, we are one, we are many, we are great and infinite. And we can change everything.


CV      View / hide description

Events      View / hide events

Exhibition  27 Oct 2023 - 27 Nov 2023  Processes: Practice in Contemporary Jewellery.
Open call  23 Mar 2022 - 29 May 2022  Open Call for Fio. Brazilian Contemporary Jewellery Contest 2022.
Open call  01 Mar 2021 - 30 Apr 2021  Open Call for Fio. Contemporary Jewellery Contest.
Exhibition  07 Nov 2020 - 29 Nov 2020  Contemporary Jewelry Brazil - Finland. Polarities.