Eureka! Schmucke Geistesblitze. Flashes of Genuis
Published: 07.10.2021
Friends of Carlotta
- Editor:
- Friends of Carlotta
- Text by:
- Bruna Hauert
- Edited by:
- Friends of Carlotta
- Edited at:
- Zürich
- Edited on:
- 2021
- Technical data:
- Online publication
Not for sale at Klimt02.

The Friends of Carlotta Jewellery Gallery celebrated its 25th anniversary in October 2020. To mark the occasion, an exhibition was organized, which can only be viewed as an ebook due to the Covid19 pandemic. The traditional Friends of Carlotta Jewellery and Fellowship Award will be postponed until the next exhibition.
A material makes us despair. A problem has been fermenting for far too long. The brilliant idea won‘t and won‘t come. Sleep- lessly we search for the inspiration, the grandiose revelation. Weight loss, weight gain, insomnia, signs of insanity - where is that darn idea that puts everything we‘ve ever had in the shade? Then suddenly, salvation. Eureka! - I‘ve got it. As Archimedes is said to have shouted after realising the principle of water displacement in the bathtub.
More than 100 jewellery designers from all over the world have worked intensively on the theme EUREKA! I am very pleased to be able to show you the ultimate burners and the exciting stories about them here.
It is always fascinating to see the variety of ideas and formal realisations that a common theme can trigger. Thematic exhibitions thus promote autonomy of thought and encourage independence of expression. The unprecedentedly large number of designers participating in the Friends of Carlotta competition makes the inspiration and exchange even more exciting - hopefully also for you as visitors.
I would like to thank all participants for their enthusiastic realisation of the theme and I am very proud that we are once again able to write jewellery history.
/ Bruna Hauert
> Click here to read the digital catalogue
More than 100 jewellery designers from all over the world have worked intensively on the theme EUREKA! I am very pleased to be able to show you the ultimate burners and the exciting stories about them here.
It is always fascinating to see the variety of ideas and formal realisations that a common theme can trigger. Thematic exhibitions thus promote autonomy of thought and encourage independence of expression. The unprecedentedly large number of designers participating in the Friends of Carlotta competition makes the inspiration and exchange even more exciting - hopefully also for you as visitors.
I would like to thank all participants for their enthusiastic realisation of the theme and I am very proud that we are once again able to write jewellery history.
/ Bruna Hauert
> Click here to read the digital catalogue
Friends of Carlotta
- Editor:
- Friends of Carlotta
- Text by:
- Bruna Hauert
- Edited by:
- Friends of Carlotta
- Edited at:
- Zürich
- Edited on:
- 2021
- Technical data:
- Online publication
Not for sale at Klimt02.
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