
Arijana Gadzijev

Published: 05.09.2024


Arijana Gadžijev is a textile designer, M.A., a graduate of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Graphics and Design, where she also works as an assistant. She lives and works in Ljubljana, where she designs small, sustainable and handmade collections of printed textile products. She works both independently and in collaboration with other designers and artists, taking part in solo and group exhibitions and participating in art and design projects. Recently, she has become very interested in so-called "mini-textiles", where textile jewellery is the main artistic medium. She pays tribute to art and craftsmanship with the internationally awarded Slovanka collection of printed textile jewellery, which is modular and can be worn on the body or as a home accessory.


As a textile designer and artist, I express myself mainly through prints as I design patterns, motifs and illustrations that I apply to various textile works such as home accessories, art toys and textile jewellery. I like to explore how the pattern works on a particular textile form, how it moves around a particular 3D object, how it fits into the seam and how it can visually change the image of the form. Lately, I have been working with so-called mini textiles with textile jewellery as the main medium. Slovanka's textile jewellery is a tribute to arts and crafts. Each motif is first drawn by hand and later reworked by computer, and the fabric cuts are sewn by hand.
The design consists of geometric shapes that are made as individual pieces and can be worn individually or strung together as necklaces or brooches. The modular jewellery can be worn on the body or as a home accessory. It is versatile and can add character to the space we live in. It can also be a reminder of the importance of folk heritage, which in its simple but sincere way praises the beauty of nature and shows the interdependence of nature and man.

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Events      View / hide events

Exhibition  11 May 2024 - 20 May 2024  Izola Exhibition Sensations at Slovenian Jewelry Week 2024.
Fair  09 May 2024 - 20 May 2024  Slovenian Jewelry Week 2024.
Exhibition  23 Feb 2023 - 28 Mar 2023  On the Move, Jewels.
Exhibition  20 Nov 2022 - 31 Dec 2022  On the Move, Jewels.
An international jewelry exhibition, curated by Luis Acosta at Gallery Beeld & Aambeeld, Enschede, The Netherlands
Exhibition  20 Oct 2022 - 23 Oct 2022  Jewelry Drops at Milano Jewellery Week 2022.
Exhibition  09 May 2022 - 15 May 2022  Slovenian Jewelry Week.

Publications      View / hide publications

Book:  ARTE Y JOYA Contemporary Jewellery Yearbook 2022-2023. Grupo Duplex:  Barcelona,  2022
Book:  ARTE Y JOYA Contemporary Jewellery Yearbook 2021-2022. Grupo Duplex:  Barcelona,  2021
Book:  BIEN 2021 Bienale tekstilne umetnosti / Textile Art Biennial. Zala OrelSlovenia,  2021
Book:  BIEN 2020 Razstava tekstilne umetnosti / Textile Art Exhibition. Zala OrelSlovenia,  2020
Newspaper:  Kultura, Igor Kavčič. Slovenia,  2020
Magazine:  Ona, Melita Meršol. Slovenia,  2020
Magazine:  Gloss, Tea Hegeduš. Slovenia,  2019
Newspaper:  Delo, Maja Prijatelj Videmšek. Slovenia,  2015
Book:  20th Exhibition of Local and Artistic Crafts / 20. razstava domačih in umetnostnih obrti. Slovenia,  2015
Book:  Sibirske pravljice / Siberian tales. Maria Ana KolmanSlovenia,  2013
Magazine:  Octogon, Viola Mezö. Hungary,  2012
Book:  BIO.23 – 23rd Biennial of Design; Design Relations. The Museum of Architecture and DesignSlovenia,  2012
Magazine:  Month of Design 2009. Zavod BigSlovenia,  2009
Magazine:  Month of Design 2008. Zavod BigSlovenia,  2008
Newspaper:  Delo, Almira Sadar. Slovenia,  2008
Book:  BIO.19 – 19th Biennial of Design; Design Relations. The Museum of Architecture and DesignSlovenia,  2004